Its raise risk of development in the future children of hyperactivity and problems in behaviour, display of emotions and in social attitudes at school age, it is enough to pregnant women to speak by a mobile phone only 2-3 once a day. The probability of occurrence of all these problems raises, if the child himself uses a mobile phone before achievement of 7-years age.
Results of this research, the first in own way, have surprised even those scientists who spent it. Scientists emphasize, that danger of application by pregnant and juvenile children of mobile phones " not much more below, than risk from tobacco and alcohol for children's health ". About it writes Independent
Scientists have interrogated mothers of 13159 children who have born in Denmark in the end 1990, asked questions on, whether they used phones during pregnancy, whether their children in the age of till 7 years and as they conduct themselves use them. As in the beginning of 1990 mobile phones yet have not received universal propagation mobile phones occasionally used or at all did not use half of mothers that allows to make comparisons.
Researchers have found out, that in mothers who used mobile phones during pregnancy, on 54 % children with behavioural problems is more often are born, and this probability raises proportionally to quantity of time of potential susceptibility of radiation.
And if later children also used mobile phones as a whole the risk of problems with behaviour raised on 80 %. The risk of emotional problems raised on 25 %, probability of problems in attitudes with friends – on 34 %, probability of hyperactivity – on 35 % and propensity to other problems in behaviour – on 49 %.
Scientists approve, that these results have appeared "unexpected" and they did not know about any biological mechanisms provoking such displays. Scientists add, that can exist and other possible explanations which they yet have not studied – for example, that mothers who often used mobile phones, gave less attention to the children – and emphasize, that results " should be interpreted with care " and to check up the further researches.
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