Monday, May 19, 2008

How to tempt the colleague (advice of experts)

The workplace is a mine field of a sexual pressure. Where still it is possible to appear locked with representatives of an opposite floor nine hours on end, to talk with each other, but " hands to not touch ".

At office it is possible to fall in love absolutely naturally with the fellow worker and there and then to listen to set of advice from "well-wishers" who will assure that the service novel -.

Passion and desire to suppress, certainly, it is possible, whether however it is necessary to do it, considering, that, according to numerous researches, 50 % of working people twist novels with colleagues on work. If you all the same were solved on the service novel, edition The Hook offers a number of advice to women how to find love on a workplace.

1. Flirt words
Men do not understand nonverbal messages. They can easily accept a friendly smile for a sexual appeal. Also colleagues-men can precisely not notice the nonverbal signs showing sexual interest. Recently it has been carried out research: to men to students showed images of women which showed passion, participants of experiment have accepted desire for friendly signs.

2. If it has shown interest, pass to actions
If you are assured that the fellow worker is interested by you, force it to achieve you. It is necessary for man to be the hunter - so do not deprive with its this pleasure. All know, that men and the woman do not perceive the attitude seriously if they were not preceded with the period of hunting. Only 3 % of the pairs, engaged sex on the first appointment, as a result marry.

3. Do not do a first step, if you not coevals
About 80 % of representatives of both floors are ready to take the first step. However if the man and the woman not one age, on work will make a first step the man. Research of attitudes between young women and men more advanced age has shown, that more than 95 % of men have made a first step.

Research of the Californian university has shown, that men in the age of prefer to begin attitudes with young women, becoming for them instructors in work. Such kind partner attitudes often pass to more romantic level.

Besides it is necessary to remember, that on the average the person changes a place of work each 18 months. So if the destiny did not manage to be found on one work, it is possible to pass to another safely.

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