Monday, May 19, 2008

The Swede sold the wife-invalid for sex: about 100 clients

In Sweden next week the court above the man which is accused that sold the mentally sick wife for sex begins, informs The local.

One year ago 44-years the man which name is not informed, has got acquainted on the Internet with the 19-years girl. The last summer they have got married. However soon the husband has decided to use the helpless invalid. " It was in its full authority and did everything, that it spoke ", - public prosecutor Robert Neppi tells.

To the woman ordered to be engaged in sex with tens men in one of hotels in the center of Stockholm, as well as on apartments in . In total clients was nearby 100 person.

it was opened in 2006 when the police has borrowed in investigation concerning the man in connection with threats. On its computer the children's pornography has been found out. After two years of consequence charges in trade in people, сутенерстве, a children's pornography, violence over children, swindle have been shown to it. It also is accused that has stolen and has raped the 14-years girl.

On a computer of one of the police also has found out e-mail addresses of suspected pedophiles that has led to massive spot-check against a children's pornography last week. Besides the two men of 35 and 37 years suspected of complicity to pedophiles are arrested.

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