The American researchers have denied ordinary concept that oral caress are widespread among teenagers more, than copulation is direct, is spoken on site Earlier was considered, that it occurs because teenagers consider oral sex in the way of conservation of virginity.
from American scientific research institute Guttmacher considers: verifications to that the majority of the teenagers, earlier not entered intimate communications, were engaged thus in oral sex with different partners, no. It has noted, that replacement with teenagers sex oral as a way of conservation of virginity – simply myth.
The interrogation lead by institute Guttmacher, has shown, that from 10 thousand all interrogated teenagers (virgins) 54 % of minor girls and 55 % of young men were engaged in oral sex, but thus such kind of sex more were preferred by those who any more were not virgins.
Predilection for oral sex with the years increases: from 15 till 17 years 42 % of percent of girls, and in the age of 18-19 years already 72 % were engaged in it. Among the teenagers already having sexual experience, at least, of 80 % were engaged in oral sex. However, as have shown new researches, this percent does not exceed thus quantity of classical copulations.
One of everyone of 10 interrogated teenagers has admitted, that tried and sex, but thus was engaged as well as in sex.
As it was informed earlier, in the USA one of four girls-teenagers is infected at least by one venereal disease. , summing up new research, has declared, that data of interrogations testify to the incorrect rate of the American government directed on sexual education of teenagers. Teenagers are still illiterate in questions of an intimate life. And it in turn leads to growth of quantity of the diseases transferred sexual by.
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