Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Smoking can lead to schizophrenia

Teenage cannabis users are more likely to suffer psychotic symptoms that raise the risk of full-blown mental illness in later life, claim researchers.

Adolescent drug takers interviewed for the largest study of its kind reported experiencing at least three symptoms indicating a risk of psychosis.

These included feeling like something strange or inexplicable was taking place, suspecting they were being influenced or followed and difficulty in controlling the speed of thoughts.

Frequent drug users were more at risk but even youngsters dabbling at an early stage were vulnerable.

The researchers also found taking cannabis in adolescence creates a greater risk of developing schizophrenia than using it when older.

Their findings will bolster the Government's decision last month to restore cannabis to the harsher Class B status against the advice of its own scientists.

But it will also increase dismay that the change makes no difference to the way under-18s caught with cannabis are dealt with by the police. They still only face prosecution if caught with the drug three times.

British psychiatrists have consistently expressed concerns that the drug appears to accelerate the onset of full-blown mental illness, raising fears of an epidemic of mental health problems among users in their 20s and 30s.

More than 6,000 youngsters aged 15 and 16 were involved in the research in Finland, published today in the British Journal of Psychiatry. Experts assessed which were potentially at risk of developing a psychotic disorder.

More than 5 per cent of the teenagers reported that they had used cannabis once or more; and one in 100 had used cannabis more than five times. Girls were more likely to take the drug than boys.

It was found that those who had used cannabis had a higher average number of symptoms indicating a risk of psychosis.

Dr Jouko Miettunen, who led the research at the University of Oulu in Finland, said the findings were significant because they demonstrated a link with psychosis at a very early stage of cannabis use.

He said: 'These teenagers are likely to be vulnerable to the mental effects, which means they are probably vulnerable to developing psychosis at some point.'

Dr Miettunen said psychotic symptoms were much more common than actual cases of diagnosed mental illness but the number being reported was a cause for concern.

Campaigner Debra Bell, who formed the group Talking About Cannabis after her son William started taking cannabis at 14 and ended up stealing from his parents to feed his habit, said the research was more proof of the dangers.

She said 'All parents of children who smoke cannabis know the drug can cause serious mental disturbances. This study from Finland is very interesting but why aren't we doing this research here or doing something about the findings?

'It shows the problems begin at a very early age yet teenagers tell their parents it's a safe drug. Unfortunately, like my son, they can turn around and say it won't do them any harm because the Government downgraded it, despite the evidence showing we are storing up huge problems for the future.'

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The schizophrenic has received 10 years of prison for rape of the sleepwalker

In the USA the court has sentenced the homeless the man from cities Cincinnatis (state of Ohio) to 10 years of imprisonment that it has attacked the woman suffering , and has raped it.

At first 53-years it has been charged with kidnapping, a deliberate attack, attempt of violence and rape; it could receive till 46 years of prison.

On Tuesday the court has recognized guilty of rape and a deliberate attack. Other charges have been removed, informs a site to " News of America ".

According to materials of business, the 24-years victim suffers the heavy form . After a strong attack it sometimes does not understand, that with it occurs. In November witnesses have informed polices that saw how has attacked the woman gone across Cincinnati near 71-st motorway.

As informs Crimezone. 30 years suffers schizophrenia, and some times it appeared in psychiatric clinics. The lawyer of the vagabond has declared, that its client recently strongly experienced because of the diagnosis of a HIV-infection put to it. Meanwhile, psychiatric examination has shown, that during the moment of fulfilment of crime realized illegality of the act.

Deadly snake bites man's penis

A ROADSIDE toilet stop ended in pain, embarrassment and almost death for a tourist when a highly venomous snake bit the end of his penis.

The deadly brown snake slithered between his legs and lunged at his manhood as he crouched on a roadside near Laura, 300km northwest of Cairns, about a month ago.

Details of the incident only came to light yesterday after they were confirmed by a paramedic.

"It certainly had a swipe at him," an ambulance spokesman said yesterday.

"But it didn’t envenomate him.

"As it came through it must have got a bit of a shock."

The snake beat a hasty retreat, leaving its victim with a scratch, vomiting and abdomen pain.

Emergency workers raced to the scene to treat the man.

The wound was wrapped in plastic in case poison had penetrated the skin but medical staff gave the man the all-clear after conducting tests.

He was taken to Cooktown Hospital where he spent a night recovering.

The ambulance spokesman described him as "lucky", given his near encounter with one of Australia’s most poisonous snakes.

"I think he was a bit shocked and embarrassed," he said.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The popular myth about oral sex is discredited

The American researchers have denied ordinary concept that oral caress are widespread among teenagers more, than copulation is direct, is spoken on site Earlier was considered, that it occurs because teenagers consider oral sex in the way of conservation of virginity.
from American scientific research institute Guttmacher considers: verifications to that the majority of the teenagers, earlier not entered intimate communications, were engaged thus in oral sex with different partners, no. It has noted, that replacement with teenagers sex oral as a way of conservation of virginity – simply myth.

The interrogation lead by institute Guttmacher, has shown, that from 10 thousand all interrogated teenagers (virgins) 54 % of minor girls and 55 % of young men were engaged in oral sex, but thus such kind of sex more were preferred by those who any more were not virgins.

Predilection for oral sex with the years increases: from 15 till 17 years 42 % of percent of girls, and in the age of 18-19 years already 72 % were engaged in it. Among the teenagers already having sexual experience, at least, of 80 % were engaged in oral sex. However, as have shown new researches, this percent does not exceed thus quantity of classical copulations.
One of everyone of 10 interrogated teenagers has admitted, that tried and sex, but thus was engaged as well as in sex.
As it was informed earlier, in the USA one of four girls-teenagers is infected at least by one venereal disease. , summing up new research, has declared, that data of interrogations testify to the incorrect rate of the American government directed on sexual education of teenagers. Teenagers are still illiterate in questions of an intimate life. And it in turn leads to growth of quantity of the diseases transferred sexual by.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

In the USA the dog has received a degree of the bachelor

The one-year-old golden retriever on nickname Jim has received the diploma of Northern University of Ohio in the USA, inform local mass-media.

According to the president of university of Kendal, it is the case first in history when the educational institution awards the diploma to an animal.

JIM has received a scientific degree of the bachelor for development of skills of care by invalids and older people - it is able to carry an invalid armchair, to open doors and to lift the fallen off subject matters, transfers RIA of "News".

The young retriever belongs to the local organization free-of-charge giving four-legged assistants by that who requires them.

First-ever pregnant the man has told about the sensations

Six weeks prior to sorts first-ever pregnant the man speaks, that nothing differs from the usual pregnant woman. 34-years Thomas Beati, in a T-short, with a beard peacefully cuts a lawn at the house in state of Oregon. " For neighbours I and my wife - normal people. The desire to have the child is not man's or female, this universal desire ", - it speaks.

Despite of a shock, curiosity and even disgust which was caused in the world with the fact of its pregnancy, the transexual speaks, that pregnancy at it proceeds absolutely the same as and at all women. " I all time feel such thick. And me too pulls on meal, for example, on soybeans and artichokes ", - the owner of a black belt on carat speaks. About it writes

Thomas was born the woman. It had name . In due time it even participated in competition of beauty on Hawaii. Ten years ago to it have performed partial operation on change of a floor: have removed a breast and entered hormones. But female reproductive bodies at Thomas were kept, therefore it and its 45-years wife Nensi at whom the uterus is removed, could get the child.

Thomas impregnated by sperm of the anonymous donor, should give birth to the girl on July, 3rd by operation sections.

Using a mobile phone mother during pregnancy influences the child

At women who use mobile phones during pregnancy, children with so-called problem behaviour is more often are born. In the research lead by Universities of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) and Аархуса in Denmark, have taken part more than 13 thousand children.

Its raise risk of development in the future children of hyperactivity and problems in behaviour, display of emotions and in social attitudes at school age, it is enough to pregnant women to speak by a mobile phone only 2-3 once a day. The probability of occurrence of all these problems raises, if the child himself uses a mobile phone before achievement of 7-years age.

Results of this research, the first in own way, have surprised even those scientists who spent it. Scientists emphasize, that danger of application by pregnant and juvenile children of mobile phones " not much more below, than risk from tobacco and alcohol for children's health ". About it writes Independent

Scientists have interrogated mothers of 13159 children who have born in Denmark in the end 1990, asked questions on, whether they used phones during pregnancy, whether their children in the age of till 7 years and as they conduct themselves use them. As in the beginning of 1990 mobile phones yet have not received universal propagation mobile phones occasionally used or at all did not use half of mothers that allows to make comparisons.

Researchers have found out, that in mothers who used mobile phones during pregnancy, on 54 % children with behavioural problems is more often are born, and this probability raises proportionally to quantity of time of potential susceptibility of radiation.

And if later children also used mobile phones as a whole the risk of problems with behaviour raised on 80 %. The risk of emotional problems raised on 25 %, probability of problems in attitudes with friends – on 34 %, probability of hyperactivity – on 35 % and propensity to other problems in behaviour – on 49 %.

Scientists approve, that these results have appeared "unexpected" and they did not know about any biological mechanisms provoking such displays. Scientists add, that can exist and other possible explanations which they yet have not studied – for example, that mothers who often used mobile phones, gave less attention to the children – and emphasize, that results " should be interpreted with care " and to check up the further researches.

Monday, May 19, 2008

How to tempt the colleague (advice of experts)

The workplace is a mine field of a sexual pressure. Where still it is possible to appear locked with representatives of an opposite floor nine hours on end, to talk with each other, but " hands to not touch ".

At office it is possible to fall in love absolutely naturally with the fellow worker and there and then to listen to set of advice from "well-wishers" who will assure that the service novel -.

Passion and desire to suppress, certainly, it is possible, whether however it is necessary to do it, considering, that, according to numerous researches, 50 % of working people twist novels with colleagues on work. If you all the same were solved on the service novel, edition The Hook offers a number of advice to women how to find love on a workplace.

1. Flirt words
Men do not understand nonverbal messages. They can easily accept a friendly smile for a sexual appeal. Also colleagues-men can precisely not notice the nonverbal signs showing sexual interest. Recently it has been carried out research: to men to students showed images of women which showed passion, participants of experiment have accepted desire for friendly signs.

2. If it has shown interest, pass to actions
If you are assured that the fellow worker is interested by you, force it to achieve you. It is necessary for man to be the hunter - so do not deprive with its this pleasure. All know, that men and the woman do not perceive the attitude seriously if they were not preceded with the period of hunting. Only 3 % of the pairs, engaged sex on the first appointment, as a result marry.

3. Do not do a first step, if you not coevals
About 80 % of representatives of both floors are ready to take the first step. However if the man and the woman not one age, on work will make a first step the man. Research of attitudes between young women and men more advanced age has shown, that more than 95 % of men have made a first step.

Research of the Californian university has shown, that men in the age of prefer to begin attitudes with young women, becoming for them instructors in work. Such kind partner attitudes often pass to more romantic level.

Besides it is necessary to remember, that on the average the person changes a place of work each 18 months. So if the destiny did not manage to be found on one work, it is possible to pass to another safely.

The Swede sold the wife-invalid for sex: about 100 clients

In Sweden next week the court above the man which is accused that sold the mentally sick wife for sex begins, informs The local.

One year ago 44-years the man which name is not informed, has got acquainted on the Internet with the 19-years girl. The last summer they have got married. However soon the husband has decided to use the helpless invalid. " It was in its full authority and did everything, that it spoke ", - public prosecutor Robert Neppi tells.

To the woman ordered to be engaged in sex with tens men in one of hotels in the center of Stockholm, as well as on apartments in . In total clients was nearby 100 person.

it was opened in 2006 when the police has borrowed in investigation concerning the man in connection with threats. On its computer the children's pornography has been found out. After two years of consequence charges in trade in people, сутенерстве, a children's pornography, violence over children, swindle have been shown to it. It also is accused that has stolen and has raped the 14-years girl.

On a computer of one of the police also has found out e-mail addresses of suspected pedophiles that has led to massive spot-check against a children's pornography last week. Besides the two men of 35 and 37 years suspected of complicity to pedophiles are arrested.

In a stomach of the 9-years girl doctors have detected its twin

In Greece doctors have found in a stomach of its 9-years girl эмбрионального the twin. Recently the child has been delivered in hospital of the city of Larissa with complaints to pains in a stomach. At inspection the fruit in length has been inside detected in it about 5 sm, informs Mail on Sunday.

Experts believe, that at an early stage of pregnancy the embryo of the girl has absorbed an embryo of its twin. " On the right the stomach at it was but nobody assumed, that the embryo " there disappears, - director of hospital Jakovos Bruskelis speaks.

The detected fruit had head, hair and eyes, but the brain and umbilical cords was not. Doctors have operated the girl and have removed a fruit. Now it feels absolutely properly.

The chief of pediatric branch of hospital Andreas Mark speaks, that cases when an embryo of one twin absorbs an embryo of another, meet once on 500 thousand birthes. Modern ultrasonic inspections usually allow to reveal it at an early stage.

The Australian pensioners have undressed, demanding increase of pensions

On Friday in the second-largest city of Australia Melbourn about 150 protesting pensioners have blocked movement and some of them have undressed, demanding from authorities of increase of pensions, informs AFP.

Older persons in underwear, despite of autumn weather, have made the protest against the 20-milliard federal budget accepted on this week in which, despite of proficiency, with it have allocated, in their opinion, it is not enough money.

The majority of the pensioner nevertheless have left on itself clothes, but the some people have gone further. For example, senator Steve Filding who has removed a shirt as a token of solidarity with older persons. It has declared, that authorities "do not notice" 3,5 million the pensioners living in Australia.

" Pensioners do not have choice, they are compelled to survive for pennies on which the majority of people cannot live. They suffer from a rise in prices on gasoline and on the foodstuffs ", - the senator has told. One of , has added, that on pension normally to live it is impossible. " In the country of business go not bad, therefore we demands validity ", - the woman has declared.

The 11-years boy-wolf wishes to recover

11-years Indian boy Prutviraj Patil from district Sangli near to Bombay suffers , one of the most rare genetic frustration. According to some information, now in the world of all nearby the fifty person, having such disease, informs The Sun

Since ten years of the boy tried to treat in the various ways, including homeopathy, an Ayurveda and the laser, however nothing helped. According to the child, it is called sometimes "wolf", and by strangers on it. " It is complex, when it is necessary to leave the city there where people do not know me. But in the rest hair to me do not stir, they are not scratched and do not smell. " When I have gone to school, all over again other children teased me, but now they with me address as with normal. ", - the boy speaks.

Donkey of birth one superstitious residents spoke its mother, that it has given birth to a deity, others to the contrary considered it as a bad sign. " All came to look at our child. But soon neighbours have got used to. It well studies and at it good memory. It every day plays cricket with friends and behaves as the usual child ", - parents, 32-years Anita and 39-years Dilip speak.

" But we do not like these hair. We do not want, that people eternally showed on it a finger. Therefore we address to doctors ", - they add.

10 most terrible mistakes of women in sex

Huge quantity of women in many countries of the world discontentedly sexual life. For failures in bed of lady are inclined to blame, first of all, the partners which, in their opinion, are not too close and skilful. However frequently women are guilty that their sexual life is complex for naming sexual. FOXNews results the basic mistakes, which women make in bed.

1. To behave as mummy and the housewife. For the blessing of family it is necessary for woman to forget for a while, that the most part of day it is mummy. It is necessary to feed the sexual life with the same energy from what the woman is engaged in house businesses and education of children.

2. To not respond and lay a corpse. The majority of us does not like to be engaged in sex with a corpse. Therefore move, shout, do something, but only do not lay without movement. If you wish to achieve the maximal reaction from the partner fall outside the limits a missionary pose. It is necessary to speak about the desires and to give comprehensive instructions. Then sex will start to please significantly more.

3. To forget to be womanly. The set of weight, everyday routine, work on the house in a unattractive kind does the majority of women not sexual in opinion of their men. It is not necessary to be engaged in procedures of personal hygiene at the man. It is not necessary to talk to it about shaving and about monthly. Though the majority of men likes friendly women, at the same time they wish to see the партнерш sexual goddesses.

4. To condemn its love to a porno. While pornofilms completely have not superseded the woman from a circle of interests of the man, it is not necessary to abuse it for excessive love to viewing pictures of the frank maintenance. Many men enjoy various forms of erotic production, using it for excitation and increase of sexual interest in the present partner.

5. To be afraid of "dirty" conversations. Dissolute conversations can strengthen passion. So it is not necessary to hesitate. To turn to the loader it is not necessary, but it is a little to come to life sexual conversation all the same it is possible.

6. To not own own body. Greater or small, high or low - it is not important. More all men in the woman appreciate not beauty, and unshakable confidence of. So it is necessary to start to go on the house naked and to be engaged in sex at light.

7. To abuse other women. You sit and think, that that stupid person looks as the finished prostitute. Also you know that? It too so thinks, but, most likely, its appearance very much is pleasant to it. To humiliate other women at the man - to show it the uncertainty and to do itself unattractive.

8. To swear eternal love and fidelity. So has developed, that sex absolutely guarantees nothing - neither mutual love, nor the future marriage, a happy joint life while the death will not separate. So frequently conversations on eternal love in bed can spoil all only.

9. To ignore its dummies. It not only a female erogenous zone. At many men sensitive dummies, and even more sensitive, than at them партнерш.

10. To bite. During oral sex it is not necessary to use a teeth.